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Do you know how much first impression matters? When it comes to a job interview, image is of utmost importance. The way you presented yourself during an interview can possibly leave a deeply etched memory in your employer's mind. That's the first impression of you captured by them.
When it comes to defining "impression", it's not about the appearance(in terms of facial looks), but rather the image you portrayed. How well are you able to carry out yourself? Definitely, companies are looking out for X-factors in employees. The confidence level that one exudes is going to be a bonus point. Aside to that, appropriate attire is paramount as it upholds one's image and credibility. It goes to show that one takes the job and interview process seriously and on top of that, it shows the RESPECT to your employers.
Hence, it's better to DRESS UP than down.
Prevview.com has officially declared a Visume war In Singapore. You may be wondering, what's this Visume War ALL ABOUT?!?

Have you heard of the Visume War Battle?
Unlike any other video showdown, this war appeals to every jobseeker's most basic struggles, allowing one to stand out from the sea of jobseekers with similar talents and credentials.
Calling upon interested participants between the age of 18-35 years old, this is one great opportunity for you to enter this professional field battle, showcase your talent via this platform.

Fret not, you're not the first one to do so! Many have participated in this war zone. Check out one interesting Visume below.
As seen from the above video, John may appear to be an Ah Beng, well, but he sold us with his dead pig. First and foremost, let's talk about his attire. First impression of him judging from his attire is pretty good as he is smartly dressed in this video resume. Although some of his actions appeared to be typical "Ah Beng" of that in Singapore, he managed to pull it off with his confidence level. Secondly, he is able to prove himself to his employers with his experiences, dedication and degree attained for Finance & Economics and i feel that John has good interpersonal skills which will aid him in this job. However, one thing to note is if John gets the job, he will have to take special note to some of his actions which people still see him as an Ah Beng. He has to further improve on that.
Can you
perform better than him?
There are few more good Visumes as seen from the war zone site. One simple entry caught my attention. Under most viewed, we've one participant Daniel Ho Sheng who is able to exude the confidence as seen from his Visume. Despite not much of a creativity in filming and editing, i can see his professionalism and with his eloquence, i believe he will be able to handle the PR and communication line if he's IN for this job.
Apart from having the most important factor - CONFIDENCE, sometimes, a little creativity will just do the trick if you're someone who's into the creative line(eg. advertisement companies). I'm sure they need potential people who are able to develop their creativity in this career line.
You can also view directly as seen from the above print screen page-
war zone (view entries) for other participants' visumes.

This is one rare opportunity not to miss! The chance has been given, it's up to your own calling now! As mentioned earlier, Visume War on Prevview.com serves as a platform for you to showcase your hidden talents. Step forth and bravely express your self. You might be the ONE companies are in search for.
No harm giving it a try though... It's a experience afterall.

What's more,
$10,000 worth of attractive prizes awaits you. Job positions/vacancies available for you too! Come On
NOW! Enter this battle field.
How to register?
Simply have to fill up your particulars in the form above which can be found under the registration section in Visume Wars.
With Prevview's Video Resumes(Visumes), you can:
- Present and showcase your BEST SELF.
- Express why you should be hired.
- Entice your employer to know you BETTER.
- Bring Life to your paper resumes.