6th of December
Farewell to 18
(delayed post)
l'm OFFICIALLY 19 right now! Time passed fast, in the blink of an eye, the arrival of my 19th birthday is here. On the day itself, i went out with my friends for pool and bowling. Initally we intended to play basketball somewhere near joyce's house. In the end, there was a change of plan and we switched to indoor sports at CDANS country club and CSC. My companions for that day were sok, weikiat, deb and ruiping.
Bowling was fun, but pool was even better:) Recently, i'm kind of addicted to pool. Proposed playing pool to them after one game of bowling. Sadly, there wasn't any pool in CDANS, hence we have to make our way to another country club (CSC).
A pity joyce couldn't join us on that day. Below are the pictures captured!
Farewell to 18
(delayed post)
l'm OFFICIALLY 19 right now! Time passed fast, in the blink of an eye, the arrival of my 19th birthday is here. On the day itself, i went out with my friends for pool and bowling. Initally we intended to play basketball somewhere near joyce's house. In the end, there was a change of plan and we switched to indoor sports at CDANS country club and CSC. My companions for that day were sok, weikiat, deb and ruiping.
Bowling was fun, but pool was even better:) Recently, i'm kind of addicted to pool. Proposed playing pool to them after one game of bowling. Sadly, there wasn't any pool in CDANS, hence we have to make our way to another country club (CSC).
A pity joyce couldn't join us on that day. Below are the pictures captured!

The greys, black and white...(like our colour dresscode)

lt seems really cool if you're one!
And this was our final score. Congrats to weikiat, emerging as the top player among us. We just need more practice. Practice Makes Perfect!

Before proceeding off to CSC for pool, we took photos in Cdans country club. Found this spiral staircase which is a good and nice place for phototaking. Cute Sok
Pool rocks!
Soon, night falls...we went to KFC for dinner at westmall. Weikiat, the drama king was imitating the actions of some our drama peeps which made us all burst into laughters. He's really observent towards his surrounding people. The way he imitate jingyi was really funny. Well, it was all meant to entertain us during dinner(laughs). So people, do not feel offended! You guys know he's a JOKER!:) We reminisced about those days back in cds and how i wish i could once again return back to the stage and act...
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