i'm glad that most of my weekends are fulfilling ones, with companions of my close friends. Usually, we would try to take some time off to hang out together with one another weekly, if not, perhaps twice a week. As time goes by, it gets harder to find a place where we can explore and search for new novelty and fun...that's b'cause we have been to most places and have tried out many different areas of entertainment and food till we felt that singapore is too small for us to explore. (*laughs*) But still, we would crack our brain to think of places that we've gave it a miss earlier. And guess where we went last weekend?!? =>STEAMBOAT @ BUGIS!<= There's simply a lot of steamboat stalls there for you to choose from. After a short discussion with weikiat, both of us came to a consensus. ln the end, we chose 天天火锅 over the rest of the steamboat stalls. Why so? That's b'cause they have this two-in-one built in steamboat where we can not only steam, but grill our food as well. Most of the others only allow you to steam your food. Grilling is more fun!:)
i had loads of fun with them last weekend. Below are some photos to browse through. i edited with some special effect. i get bored easily, so i was playing around with my powerpoint and coincidentally chanced upon this effect! so coOl...

i love the otahs. Sometimes as we grill, we forgotten to flip over the otah every few minutes, thus, one or two was burnt on the other side. But still, i think otah is one of the best food there apart from our grilled fish and fried mantous. A pity they don't have crabs there. i wanna eat crabs! There aren't a vast variety of food there...no desserts served after meal as well...lnitially our plan was to visit kushinbo, however, it wasn't feasible due to our different schedules, be it at work, at school, or in army. Well, most importantly is the meet-up. i'm just contented as long as i get to meet up with them.
Amidst all our laughters, talks as we were eating our steamboat dinner, we suddenly came up with an idea of filming a video of us in that place. we did so.
That's the final piece of our video. Shall see what the "panel of judges" has to say about the food quality there, and not just that, they're commenting on the services as well...
(This uploading really took me quite some while. Alright, it's finally done!)
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