Earlier was a new experience for me. i had my first ever food review over at parkmall's fish n co outlet. i came to know about it through one friend, regarding the food review sharing session at 2pm over at this particular outlet of fish n co' where we are supposed to give feedbacks for their restaurants. She helped me signed up for this. Sounds pretty cool, isn't it? For once, i imagined myself as a *professional* food *ambassador*, commenting on fish n co's quality of food, ambience, price etc. We gave very honest feedbacks to them for we would want fish n co' to further improve themselves in all ways. lt was rather a fun food review session with the PR people from the fish n co' headquarters. No stress at all. lt seems more like a relaxing conversation where we just discuss about our *likes* and *dislikes* for fish n co':D Anw, light refreshments were also served. i came to know about this new side dish they are going to introduce, prawn fritters! Tasty.
Apart from that, the coolest part of the whole session was when we were asked to sample two new dishes served hot straight from the kitchen. I can't really remember the exact name of the dishes but they are main courses which come with fish and rice. One is marinated with soy sauce, another one comes with tomato sauce. i preferred the one with tomato sauce on it cause it doesn't taste as bland as the first one. But still, i do not have much liking for these two dishes even though they are going to be introduced on the menu. i still prefer the new york fish n chip! lt's my all-time favourite there! In comparison with the decor ambience of fish n co', i still feel that they do not surpass TCC. Up till now, the best ambience restaurant which i personally think so is TCC.
At the end of the food review, my friend and I were given a $20 fish n co' voucher by the company to thank us for making the trip down and be part of this focus participation group in giving our feedbacks!:D Overall, it was a nice experience for me.

Not just that...

Rachel and me also had an belated birthday celebration with jiaqi earlier. we ordered this slice of chocolate truffle cake for her. Though she said she was full, but we still went on to order a small slice of cake for her. How can a celebration possibly do without cake? haha...

A little small gift here which i've gotten for her. i like the decorations on the paper bag. Looks kawaii. Now make a guess what's inside?!?
I shall reveal it here!
lt's NONE other than this rose honey colour lipstick.
i like this kind of sheer glossy colour lipstick. It makes me tempted to buy as well. In the end, i got myself a similar one as hers.

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