Having to wake up at dawn and to stay perk up throughout from morning all the way till night is seriously deadbeat. We were all overcomed by fatigue by the time the whole wedding ceremony ended. But it was great experience! i had loads of fun with my family:D Multiple photos were snapped as keepsake. i love most of the photos captured with my digital camera that day...
Above are some photos which we took in the lobby before proceeding right into the restaurant for the wedding ceremony. It was a good take, with my family, my cousins and relatives. Supposedly, i should be driving my family to this venue, Holiday Inn, to attend the ceremony. However in the end, it was once again another failed attempt. i didn't rent or borrow any car either. Dad said it wasn't worth it to just rent a car and drive there during the night for the charges are high and you would have to waste another day on saturday for we couldn't possibly return it on that friday itself when the whole wedding ceremony will end as late as 10plus night time. There goes it...
Here's one of the photo which brother took for me right outside the entrance of another chinese restaurant. They were located on the same floor. i like this flower pot. Nice pink petals.
For friends who know me well, you guys should know that black is one of my favourite colours. It simply goes well with any colour except for the really dark ones.

Next up, here's a video which i've filmed during my cousin's wedding. Her husband looks kinda' funny when trying to pop out the cork of the champagne. i was given the privilege to sit right in front at the red table. This was my first ever opportunity to experience that. How cool! As a result, i also ended up standing right in front of him when he was doing that action and i tried to stay a distance away for fear that the cork might just hit straight right into my face! (*laughs*)
i was saved though...it didn't hit me!
Before ending my entry here, i would like to once again express my heartfelt wishes to this lovey-dovey couple, wishing them a blissful marriage. Your journey begins here and there's a long way ahead of your...
(P.S. This entry is supposedly to be posted up on my blog quite some time ago and i've to apologize for the delay 'cause i was especially busy during this whole period with adventure camp and outings. i'm finally able to settle down now and take a breather off my hectic schedule. And there's seriously few other blog entries lagging behind!)
i just need a bit more time... Till date, i'm enjoying every moment of life and i will continue to.
That's for now. God Bless, Love my family and friends:D
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