We always have countless topics to chat with each other especially the fact that we're meeting only like after a year or so. Definitely, there's so much to catch up with one another. i had a good chat with zhen on that saturday. It seems as though we were back to those carefree childhood days, with the innocent juvenile minds... The chat went on and on and our food almost went cold. Usually i don't really have liking for mushroom pasta with creamy sauce but on that day when i ordered chicken and mushroom spaghetti, i actually love it. i didn't find it too creamy, just nice for my appetite. Lovely decadence.

Meeting up once a year isn't enough and we have more plans coming up soon. Planning-in-progress, tsktsk. Though now they are busy with work, but time can be arranged to accomodate one another's hectic life or work schedule. Mermaid, are you doing fine? You're a busy busy girl! Let's hope we can meet up soon again for our next outing trip together as a whole.
Allow me to digress a bit towards the end of this entry, i actually have this desire to go universal studio, somehow, a sudden urge. i know its expensive but i guess it's worth a first-time visit. Singapore is sooo small, have been visiting the usual places over and over again. Perhaps Universal Studio would be a new experience for most, if not definitely for me, haha...
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