Yes! You're right! You didn't see wrongly! It's once again another kbox session for me. We have an additional companion with us for the day, weihao! He claimed that he loves phototaking for he was once in photography club. With that, we could easily capture nice photos of our full clique gathering. Thank you, photographer weihao!:) And this time round, not just one camera, 6 different cameras (be it phone cameras or digital cameras) are going around. That explains the number of photos we're tagged individually on facebook, tsktsk! Cam-whoring Day!

It was set at AMK Hub's MOF for lunch to satisfy our hunger pangs before ksession. This particular outlet of MOF is rather big and cosy to chill with your friends. They even have sofa seats there. I guess if we're staying a bit longer, we would have moved over to those sofa seats. It was only a short lunch for we're planning to queue for koi after that. Every minute is precious if we're sticking to plan:)

i love this shot here.♥ This adds on to our collection of full clique's photos.

A more spacious room, additional of mike makes the entire four hours of k-singing a more enjoyable one. KPOP Thrill. i dislike those rooms which are squeezy, making it difficult for one to cross over to choose songs on the screen.
Speaking of koi, as promised to try out another flavour, i ordered oolong milk tea yesterday. We were planning to "smuggle" our koi into kbox secretly. The plan was a total flop. we managed to bring it in successfully at first but unfortunately in the next few minutes, the kbox waitress caught her eyes on our koi when she came into our room and confiscated them:(:( Mood Dampening! There goes my freshly made oolong milk tea. As a result, it did not taste that fantastic after end of ksession. The ice melted.
(Amk's KBox is soooo strict!)
i'm glad i actually bumped into these 5 girls in my uni life. School days are livened up with their presence. Fate plays an important part here having getting to know them. i will treasure the friendship ties we have and hope our friendship will continue to grow down the years. Well, its only the end of year one; there's still three more years to go! There are many more places out there for us to explore and seek fun together. P-L-A-Y is always in our dictionaries. And weihao is a funny chap! Somehow, he's somewhat like another guy friend of mine. haha!
Loads of fun with the peeps!
That's for now.
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