lf i were to calculate myself, i've been in this work ever since A levels for about 1 year plus till date. i could vividly remember the very first day when i stepped into the office, it was a day before my birthday. The first impression of this place then was that it's a cosy small environment to work in, noisy at times for you have to handle kids but that's what that makes the whole working experience an interesting one. As compared to the past jobs which i've held, this job is much more flexible and a more relaxing one. Gradually as each month passed, colleagues that i knew in there came and left. There's this particular friend, jasmine whom i knew in there. i got along well with her and i feel that we have many things to chat under the sun. It was a nice experience working together with her. Soon, she left the company and i was back to working alone. A sense of reluctance... i don't know what was it that kept me going on back then...but still, i survived through... Thankfully for now, i managed to introduce another two good friends of mine over to this company. One being my 8 years great friend ever since secondary school and another is my really close friend from jc. i'm really glad to have their companions here. i always think it's a great feeling to work together with friends and i was never wrong.
You guys will get the hang of your workscope in no time to come. No worries. No doubt during the beginning, one would feel a bit jittery especially on the first day of work for you're new to the working environment. i've been through that as well...:) Slowly, just take your time and everything will be perfectly fine:D i'm elated to see your presence here! You make my day a happier one.
Here's some little photos that i've combined into a piece.
erm, is it the same wear by chance?!? (*laughs*)