The past whole week had been a whole load of fun with different groups of friends. First was the meet-up with my ahas for a dinner gathering, second was a visit to coffee house for tea delights and the one which i'm blogging now is with regards to the wild wild wet trip with sok and deb on 27th May. I've got free tickets to downtown east's wild wild wet and so along with my playmate companions, we set off to wild wild wet! The weather was
good that day, given the fact that we were going swimming and it's not raining. No doubt we were suffering from oppressive heat 'cause the weather was super humid and hot, hence it makes the best choice to dip yourself in the pool under this kind of weather.

It has been quite some while since i last went wild wild wet. The last visit was about 8 months ago, during mid-june last year... Everything was intact, not much changes to it except for some child's play facilities where they are undergoing some small renovations there.

This professor's playground here was our
second stop after the Ular-La. Ular-La is my favourite there and on that day we the three girls managed to have the whole big float to ourselves without sharing seats with others. Sok was smart enough to notice the camera that wild wild wet has installed in some corner of the slide and she was making funny faces at it as we were sliding down. In the end, it was captured. During the second time when we took the slide once again, me and deb did not fail to make funny faces at it...it turns out to be really funny, especially my
big darlie smile... Looks funny though..
we didn't really went to play every single facilities out there. Instead of having fun at the different facilities, we were actually more engrossed into our own chit chatty session, our own girls' talk. we sat down near the pool area where there will be waves every 30 mins. It was a good spot to chit chat when it's not
wave time and we simply just talked about everything under the sun. It's so comfortable talking with them. There's not even the slightest restriction. Love my favourite girlfriends.

After our swim, we were hungry and we went to kfc to share a meal before bathing. We ordered a set of two-piece chicken meal to share. we wanted something that's not so full for we will be having dinner back at home and for deb she's meeting her friends for dinner elsewhere too. Sok helped us order the food and intially she wanted to treat us. i refused. She has been giving me treats a few times and i'm feeling a little bad about it. Maybe for the next time, it should be my turn to do so...(haha) Don't reject my offer, alright.
It was a great day spent at wild wild wet! Though we only had few hours together, good times were spent! i had hell loads of fun with my two lovely girlfriends. Chatting is really our forte. we can simply sit down there, going on and on with countless topics with one another. And i'm glad that most of my friends shared the same interest as me, tsktsk...

That's for now.
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