PJ's Masquerade (12th May)
Venue: NUS University Cultural Centre (UCC)
Time: 7.30pm
What's wrong with the snapshots captured outside UCC?!? erm, i guess i've forgotten to use the red-eye reduction mode. My eyes seem to be burning with *inferno*, laughs! And well in another shot, i simply forgotten to turn on flashlight; thus, i look like a total black figurine! Still, these two failed-attempt shots are uploaded here simply because i like the "I" wording carved outside UCC. It's lovely. They actually have this whole statement: " I WAS HERE" right outside the entrance.
Coincidentally, apart from me and joyce who went for this pj's masquerade concert, we bumped into our juniors, tingmin and borui. It's been ages since we last saw them. OMG!!! What a coincidence! Therefore, we definitely have to leave some shots behind as memories... (They sat right behind us!)
There were dance, choir as well as drama performances. Solely from all the performing arts group. i especially like this remix hip hop dance by the dancers up on stage. They danced along with this song "sorry sorry", imitating the famous korean dance troupe, super junior's dance movements in that song. Apart from the hip hop dance, i felt that the first item up on stage, "Sama Tak Serupa" by the Malay cultural society was a unique dance cheorographed. The pj choir had their ever longest performance, lasting up to 50 mins after the intermission with the whole of second half belonging to them. They performed songs under themes like "The Lion King", " Aladdin" etc along with the alumni's segment. Bits of drama are incorporated inside, making it more lively throughout the whole "Magnificence" performance of theirs. Speaking about my own chinese drama performance, i felt that our juniors did a great job in bringing out the emotions in the individual's character. One thing i don't quite understand is why are the audience laughing most of the times during the play. It's supposed to be a sad story. i wonder whether they're making a mockery out of it simply 'cause they don't appreciate drama plays or have they really enjoyed our drama performance...
Overall, the masquerade concert was a success! A great one, i felt so. Glad to have this opportunity to return back as a senior to root for my fellow pj's juniors in their performances.
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