Sushi buffet was more for our lunch cum dinner for the whole buffet lasted for three hours (3pm-6pm). We left on the dot. Not to say that we ate throughout the 3 hours, in fact, we did not. We were busy chatting, laughing away and self-snapping shots at the same time. Speaking of the buffet, we were a bit pissed off when we were charged additional cost for the wastage. It wasn't that much but have no idea why the waiter charged us for additional two plates of food. It was unfair because i don't think we should be charged that much. Alright, shall not ponder over this matter. Let bygones be bygones.
Initially we intend to have only desserts or ice-cream during the late night. Just wanna' have something cold and find a good ambience place to chill-out. In the end, we went over to Starbucks to have something hot instead. We ordered cafe mocha and cappuccino tall. Cappuccino tasted bitter and we added some sugar to sweeten the taste. It didn't help much though...Cafe mocha was so much better and the choco powder enhanced the taste.
Finding a good ambience place to chill out along with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in starbucks during the night with companion of your good friend was an enjoyable night spent on that wednesday. Somehow, Deb and me felt that we were like enjoying taitai's life for once...(*laughs*)
Without pleasure and enjoyment, life would be arid. Enjoy life to the fullest and don't waste every little bit of it. For me, my goal of life isn't like ultimate wealth, a massive amount of stuffs or having the most perfect car and house in reality. More importantly is to savour and enjoy every moment of life in pursuit of fun and happiness. So long as i'm doing things that i enjoy doing or to my interest, i'm contented. Every single meet-up session with friends matters a lot to me. i'm someone who treasure family ties and friendship a lot. i love heart-to-heart talks with friends when we're out and that's the most memorable part that will be deeply etched in my mind after our outings. And i'm thankful that most of my friends are those who belonged to the same category as me, who are there to share my woes, to lend me a listening ear and we feel very comfortable with one another, talking almost everything under the sun.
That's life to me and i'm feeling contented with my current status quo. i'm quite a blessed girl.
That's for now.
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